Friday, August 1, 2008

No words

There are no words to describe how we feel right now! Everyone else at our agency received their TA's today... except us...again. Crying!


Pumpkin Head Baby Co said...

You poor thing. My heart is just aching. I think you need to add a another mile or two to your title.

As hard as it is to accept God has his reasons. If only we could know what they are RIGHT now!

Belle said...

You guys are in my prayers that you can travel soon to get your baby girl!

Pam said...

I'm so sorry April. Our thoughts are with you.


MississippiZen said...

Our prayers are with you. Praying that it comes on Monday so you can soon hold that precious little girl.

Tony and Rett said...

Oh my goodness. And Maury's response was????? TELL me they are going to bat for you. TELL me they're calling China. TELL me they're doing something.

Honey, I'm sending hugs your way. God's still listening though. So even if you have no words for the blog or for us, be sure to keep talking to Him!

The Gang's Momma! said...

I'm so sorry. I can't believe how hard and how up and down this wait is. But I'll think and pray about you tonite!